Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blog Post #8

Randy Pausch photo

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was had a very powerful message. He took his situation and turned it into something positive. His last lecture was very interesting.  He reflected on his childhood dreams.  Almost every child has dreams of what they want to be when they grow up.

In the lecture I learned that brick walls are not always bad.  They are there for us to prove how badly we want things.  As a future teacher, I plan to tell my students when you run into a brick wall or when things get hard and you feel like giving up, push yourself.  Brick walls are just obstacles that you have to overcome to get to the finish line. Randy also stated that anything is possible. I agree that anything is possible, a person just have to put their mind to achieving the goal and work hard for it. He also made a statement saying "You have to get the fundamentals down, otherwise all the fancy stuff isn't going to work."  I agree because you have to know what you are doing and how to do it before you do something.  If not you will not understand what you are doing and what you are doing it for. Teaching is not easy, nor is it for everyone.


  1. I also thought that Randy had a very powerful message about staying positive no matter what life throws at you. He was very inspirational and had so many great quotes!

  2. Great post! I also thought Pausch's advice about "brick walls" was inspiring and it relates so well with teaching.

  3. "Brick walls are just obstacles that yo have to overcome to get to the finish line." yo should be you

    "Teaching is not easy, neither is it for everyone." This needs to be reworded so it is less confusing.

  4. "Teaching is not easy, neither is it for everyone." Right. Better to substitute nor for neither.

    Anything more about teaching and learning?
