The eight search engines I decided to do was Bing, Duckduckgo, Dogpile, Yahoo, AOL, Webcrawler, Ixquick, and Wolfram Alpha
Duck Duck Go is a private search engine. It is a search engine that does not track your searches. You can search images and videos as well as web searched. You can search people and places, also. Duck Duck Go does not collect information from searches.
Dogpile is a search engine where you can search the web, images, news, you can even shop with Dogpile. When searching through Dogpile you will get links through other search engines. You can even check local listings through Dogpiles white pages.
Yahoo is a search engine that is able to search web, images, news, you can even search on dating using yahoo. If you have a yahoo account you can sign up for messenger. You can even ask yahoo questions and it will generate answers.

Web crawler is a search engine that uses other search engines to generate the search. With Web crawler, you can search the web and also images. You can look up recipes and other things using web crawler.
Ixquick says it is the world's most private search engine. When using ixquick you searches are quickly deleted and nothing is recorded. With ixquick, you can search the web, images and videos. Ixquick even had advanced search.
WolframAlpha is a very sophisticated search engine. It handles mathematics, measurements, chemistry, music, weather. Almost anything you can think of that has to deal with equations, WolframAlpha can handle it.
You did not follow the instructions for the assignment which were: "Write a post in which you review all eight search engines, what each would be most useful for, how they work, your evaluation of each. Include links so your readers can try them also." You described what they do and in a few cases you talk about what they would be useful for. But you do not do the rest of the assignment. You do have links. Your evaluation is a critical part of this assignment.